Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wherever my Passport Will Take Me

I LOVE to travel. It's a huge thing for me.
One of my dreams is to go on The Amazing Race - and not even for the $1 million.
It's for the experience and passport stamps I'd rack up!
I might not have the most vacation days. I might not have the funds to travel like a rockstar. But getting up and going away is something I NEED to do regularly. I credit my parents for being quite frugal on regular everyday things, but ALWAYS ALWAYS taking at least one yearly trip somewhere. And lucky for me, I often got to go places on school breaks as well. I'll be frank and honest, my first year out of college was a shock. NO VACATION the ENTIRE 1st yr. It was torture.

I always say you can test a relationship with a trip away (and I don't mean a weekend to wine country or Vegas). Apparently, TIME agrees! True compatibility becomes evident when you're both faced with uncontrollable situations and compacted time/living spaces together for an extended period of days. Luckily for me, J comes from a family of even more seasoned travelers. His dad literally flies 1 million+ miles a year! We've bonded and shared many of our most precious moments traveling.

We each have our own "Bucket Lists" of places we need to go in our lifetime. Most are mutual, some will definitely be favored more by one. AND we've ranked them in order of "Must before kids" to "OK after kids". Looks like kids won't be on our schedule for a few years.

So thus begins a travel diary and journal of places I want to go, things I need to do, sights I need to see. This journal should have started many years ago - so much happens and the little things we loved about our travels often get forgotten.

I'll be chronicling our adventures going forth (and some going back). I'll be posting places we dream of and long for. Hope you enjoy the ride with us!


[Images Via, Via]